muscle building for women

Muscle Building For Women

The Same Objectives Their Male Counterparts, But a Totally Different Approach

One of the most intense sports in terms of time taken and effort put into preparation for contests is bodybuilding. You might be surprised, but yes! Bodybuilding is also a sport. The sport part of it is seen in the intensity involved in the training of the muscle women and men,

It takes a whole lot of effort to build a body that will be fit for the showing. The common goal is usually perfection but the approach is always different since the metabolism and anatomy of a man and woman’s body are different. In order for a woman’s body to achieve the massiveness seen in a man’s body, assistance of chemicals is necessary. The natural exercise involved in men’s exercise will produce different results when it comes to women.

Muscle women also lift weights, eat meals that are high in proteins and also consume natural supplements and their bodies respond as men’s as some women even have a ‘six-pack” but are still unable to reach the size of the muscles their male counterparts have.

Women’s bodybuilding has evolved in different phases. In the early days, the goal for those women was to achieve a figure that was shapely and smooth. But then, as time went by there was development of growth hormones for men and also steroids. And some of the female bodybuilders after taking the steroids and hormones became huge such that they looked like their male counterparts.

But nowadays, the emphasis for a natural look has returned to women bodybuilders as they now perform a lot of exercises that give them muscularity and definition without loosing their femininity.

Muscle woman building starts with resistance and weight training where every group of muscle in the body is worked until they have been exhausted at least once every week. But unlike men, a woman’s upper and lower body each needs different exercise and emphasis is placed on the hip flexors. The abductors, outer and inner thighs, abductors and adductors are also worked. The finishing of the lower body is raised by the calf’s while the hamstrings and quadriceps are worked by the thigh-biceps and squats.

The machine presses, arm work, shoulder presses, machine flies or dumbbells are used to work on the upper body. The pumping of the arms is done with dumbbell curls, barbell, French presses and press-downs on the benches. A female bodybuilder who is at an advanced stage is capable of lifting impressive weights in each workout.

The programmes complimentary side is nutrition for bodybuilding women. The tissues which have been damaged by intense workouts are rebuilt by a diet that comprises of 25% of calories from proteins, 40% of complex carbohydrates and the rest are fats and fiber.

They also take dietary supplements like: a mixture of raw milk and protein fiber, amino acids which aid with metabolizing proteins and burning fats as well as eating eggs which are a good useable protein source. For endurance of energy, they ingest wheat germ oil and for a boost of concentrated protein they take liver tablets.

The final aspect of women’s bodybuilding is the competition and although they display differently from men, their poses are typically graceful and epitomizes the female body developed at its best.

Although the approach is different, the results are as impressive as men’s.