Why I Quit the Anabolic Diet

So the honest to god truth is… I haven’t followed the Anabolic Diet for almost two years now.

And it’s because I’ve found something that works better for me. Those pictures up above are the result of a sort of crazy experiment I performed last year with this new system, and represent where I’m still at today.

I’ve alluded to it in the past, but now I’m ready to tell you about what I’m up to now – and exactly how you can benefit from it.

If you’ve read back to the beginning of this blog about three years ago, there’s always been only one very specific goal I’ve been after: a fitness model type body. Specifically, what I’ve always wanted is the kind of body that Hollywood actors build super fast for movie roles.

Think Ryan Reynolds, Brad Pitt, Daniel Craig, Hugh Jackman… you get the picture. I looked at those guys and thought, “That’s exactly what I want.”

I thought the Anabolic Diet would be the solution to get me there, but unfortunately it wasn’t. I have been eating similarly to it, but not quite for over two years now.

The Anabolic Diet was an improvement, but to be honest my results were still slow, I still didn’t have the body I wanted, and I hated the constant cycle of bulking up then cutting down.

Bottom line, I still worked my ass off and didn’t have the body I wanted. I stopped really updating this blog around then. Why write about the Anabolic Diet if you’re not following it anymore?

But here’s what I’ve been up to.

About two years ago I got a weird idea.

If those actors’ bodies are exactly what I want… why not model them, deconstruct them, and reverse engineer them?

I don’t know if it comes out in my voice on this blog, but I’m a total nerd, and if something makes no sense then I need to know how it works.

And at this point, Hollywood transformations made no sense to me. These guys typically pulled off their transformations in just a couple months… and I couldn’t do it after years of doing everything exactly right? Something was up, and I needed to know what it was.

It seemed like a kind of weird idea at the time, but that little side project soon blossomed into an OBSESSION… and I need to tell you about its results right now.

That system was originally just for me. I didn’t plan on sharing it… but with the results I was getting, it turned out that that wasn’t an option.

Long story short, you can see what ended up happening to me after I put a preliminary version of the system to the test in the picture at the top of this post. (The “before” shot was after a bulking cycle and some time off from lifting, and I actually posted a picture mid-way through this transformation to this blog on May 3, 2010 if you’d like to see another progress shot).

I’ll be honest…

I really didn’t expect results like that.

I mean, you can go back through this blog. Look at some of the progress photos I had before. I’ve always struggled to put on muscle very easily.

But I simultaneously built more muscle than I had in the past few years combined WHILE getting more shredded than I had ever been in my life… and was actually satisfied with the body staring me back in the mirror for the first time ever. I didn’t think these little diet and training tweaks and theories would really result in something like that. It was insane.

But like I said, this was all done as just a personal thing. I’m just a nerd who needed to know why he wasn’t getting the results he wanted, and vowed to find a better way. The Anabolic Diet was one step in that journey, and this was the next.

But with my body changing so rapidly, my friends started asking me what was up.

And I’ll be honest, I was curious if the system I had developed would work for them too, plus I wanted to plug in someone who had less of a “base” than I did, so I decided to get my buddy Derek in on it, who had only been working out seriously for about three years prior. Here’s what happened to him after 12 weeks:

Same deal: over just 12 weeks, he simultaneously got more shredded than he had ever been in his life… while piling on more muscle than he had seen in years. And I’ll be honest, I was still kind of shocked that this was working as well as it did.

Fast forward to now and I’ve been refining, tweaking, and enhancing it even more… and as I’m writing this just about all my friends are using my “Hollywood” system and going nuts over it.

But here’s the thing: I’ve seen what this can do. This is big, and I don’t want to sit on it anymore. I want it to change other guys’ lives on a wider scale.

So as a test run, I’m looking to apply this system and work with a very small group of very serious guys (until I reach the capacity that I can personally support) – and this blog is the first place I’m announcing this, so you’ve got to act now if you know this is for you.

Here’s how it works:

The program is called the Hollywood Physique for Men. Quite simply, it has one and ONLY one purpose: to use every accelerated physique transformation method in the book to strategically force your body into the Hollywood Physique, pictured below, in as little as 13 weeks.
hollywood physique
And I mean literally that body. This isn’t a generic “build the Hollywood look” program, or just a plain “lose fat” or “gain muscle” system. What you see in the blueprint is exactly what you’re going to get, no matter where you’re starting from.

The way it works is a little insane, and it took me over two years to develop… but you’ve seen the results above. This isn’t rehashed information put in a lame “Hollywood” light.

It is a comprehensive system that covers diet (somewhat similar to the Anabolic Diet), training (highly specialized to precise aspects of muscle), and more. There are no “fill in the blanks” and you’re told EXACTLY what to do.

But here’s the deal: I need REALLY serious guys to jump into it. I want feedback, pictures, case studies… I want proof on a wider scale that this system delivers nearly unreal results, and can change lives in a huge way.

If it’s not the Hollywood Physique you’re after, then I don’t expect you to apply. And if you enjoy messing around in the gym year after year and aren’t really focused on a specific look, then this isn’t for you. But if the results I’ve shown in this post are what you’re after and you’re ready for a big change, then you need to join me now.

Like I said, I’m only looking for a small group of VERY serious guys ready to apply the system and make a big change. I’m not a marketer and I never planned for this to go public, so I want to start very “low key” and make sure everyone who joins in gets results and SUCCEEDS, period.

Frankly, this opportunity is HUGE if this is the body you’re after.

As a warning: there is a fee involved in applying. Simply put, the amount of time I’ve put into this, as well as the amount of time I’m going to continue to put into it for those who are truly serious about applying it, is not something I can afford to give up for free. The fee also ensures that my time won’t be wasted with guys who aren’t going to stick with the system for 13 weeks, and that I only get to deal with those who are really driven to get what they want. (Those are the best kind.)

However, it is extremely reasonable and heavily discounted if you choose to join now, and it is FULLY refundable if for any reason the system is not a match or doesn’t work for you.

Basically I guarantee you’re going to get this body and experience the results I’m promising here or I don’t want to keep a dime of your money. Period.

I’m normally not comfortable trying to “sell” people on stuff, but this system is truly incredible… and it would be irresponsible of me NOT to get this opportunity into the hands of anyone who can truly benefit from it. I know there are lots of guys starting the Anabolic Diet for the same reason I did long ago, and I want to present to them a more customized solution to get directly what they’re after.

For more information about applying and getting started immediately, as well as more information on the system itself and how EXACTLY it works, click here right now.

To everyone else: I wish you the best, and I’ll gladly answer any questions or concerns in the comments here.
