Quick Update Photo

Hey guys, checking with a quick photo I snapped of myself a couple days ago…
quick update photo
I took some time off from lifting to live my life to the fullest I could. (Riding a bicycle across continents, traveling the world, starting a business, and more.)

There’s no point to being healthy and looking good if you don’t take advantage of it.

I still ate well and lifted… but at times, I literally could not. (Hitting the gym is not a priority when you’re sitting on a bicycle for 8 hours a day for 4 weeks straight, and calorie sources are donuts and peanut butter sandwiches, not vegetables and clean meats.)

The photo above is how I look after a month or two getting back into lifting and really focusing on diet.

As anyone who has read through the most recent posts on here knows, I do not follow the Anabolic Diet anymore. I eat very similarly – low carbohydrate, high fat, moderate/high protein – but there are some very large fundamental key differences in my diet now.

Specifically, the two-day weekend carb binge is completely absent from my diet. That will likely serve to do nothing but make you fatter… and that was my experience when first starting the Anabolic Diet years ago. I do not limit myself to 30 grams of carbs per day. I get over 30 grams a day from vegetables alone, and eat other items that bring me up closer to anywhere between 50 and 100 grams of carbs a day. (Usually in the higher range.)

My diet is actually a bit different now from how I used to write. I have found a sweet groove where my body only gains muscle and loses fat at the same time. Again, it is not like what is written in the Anabolic Diet. I use coconut oil for cooking (a big no-no on Anabolic Diet), eat more than 30 grams of carbs a day in vegetables alone, and do not eat a number of the recommended food choices, like cheeses.

Anyone who would like to get a little more information can start in the archives of this blog, going back about two years. You will see a slow change from Anabolic Diet… to almost Anabolic Diet… to something entirely different… to, eventually, I will update with what I follow now.