top 5 mistakes made in the gym

Top 5 Mistakes Made in the Gym

Common Gym Mistakes

Usually, amateur bodybuilders and skilled athletes make many mistakes in the gym. If you try to bring them to a minimum or completely avoid them then it will be much easier to achieve more efficient results for shorter period of time.

Most common mistakes are:

1. Ignoring the warm up exercises.

If athlete starts lifting heavy weight load without warming up, eventually, he will not escape the injury. Investigation shows that warming up help to prepare the body for sport performance and can help
decrease the risk of injury. This is achieved by increasing the force that is required to strain/tear a muscle. In additionally, it is important to notice that warming up increases blood flow, muscle temperature, oxygen intake, muscle coordination and generally metabolic activity.

2. Undernourishment.

Another mistake is that beginners and sometimes more advanced athletes underestimate the conection between nutrition and bodybuilding. Food intake after the workout or breakfast are often ignored. Food, two hours before workout speeds up the metabolism. Nutrients are needed to supply the muscles and brain with energy during workout. Most voluminous meal should be taken 20-30 minutes after a workout. It is important to take any food rich in protein and carbohydrates, because body assimilates large amounts of food and the nutrients are going to restore muscle tissue and consumed energy. Remember that the food must be healthy. Fast food, canned roasted food should be avoided, because it is not healthy for your body.

In addition, doing sport, most metabolic reactions are intensified. Thus, it conduces to more water consumption. The optimal amount of water, which is necessary for athlete’s body, is 3 liters per day.

3. Malnutrition

For every athlete is important well-balanced nutrition. Usually, amateur athletes do not pay enough attention on right correlation between fats, proteins and carbohydrates, and they do not use vitamin
and mineral complex. This makes the muscle growth and development slow and ineffective. Food portions almost should be equal, but until 6:00 PM should be eaten about 80%, owing to the fact that in the first half of a day food is practically consumed for energy restoring.

4. Training with insufficient load

Going to the gym and training there – are still different conception. Doing exercises, reading a magazine –it is worse way to build muscle. Without a highest possible effort and motivation, you will never achieve the goal.

5. Overtraining

In fact, there are many people in the gym, that train long hours or even every day. They would have looked twice better if they could rotate periods of heavy loads with rest periods. Despite the abundance of weigh loads, body does not have enough time to recover. Thus, muscle growth and development is very slow or even is stopped.