
South America: The Greatest Place In The World For Anabolic Diet Style Eating?

This is a quick tip for any readers in the United States who like to travel:

If you have the time, I really recommend trying to follow a four-to-eight week training phase while eating a heavy Anabolic Diet-style menu in South America.

I’m traveling through here for a few months and the food is amazing. I’m buying a pound of grass-fed steak for $2.13 US.  I think my local Whole Foods in the USA charged $18 for the same thing.  I can find neighbors who sell eggs rich in omega 3s, simply because their chickens eat worms off the ground and nothing else.  Cream, butter, everything I need is here, and it’s cheap and high quality.

The best part?  If you can get to Ft. Lauderdale, FL you can fly out from Spirit Airlines for dirt cheap.

I know this isn’t feasible for most of you, but I just wanted to throw the idea out there.  Hopefully it’ll inspire someone.