4 Tips To Gain Huge Shoulders

Arnold Press.

Combining a pressing move with a rotational one, this single move hits your delts from several angles. Start with palms facing you, elbows front. Rotate your palms forward as you press the weight up and then reverse to the start.

arnold press

Overhead press

The classic move builds size and strength. Stand with feet hip-width apart and upper body braced, with a bar resting on your upper chest in a shoulder-width grip. Press the bar directly overhead before lowering slowly.

overhead press

Lateral Raise

It works the middle shoulders for a broad, muscular look. Hold light dumb-bells by your side and lift to shoulder level, keeping a bend in the elbows, before lowering slowly.
lateral raise
Diagonal Cable raise

This move targets your front delts and your rear delts as the move progresses. Stand side-on to a low cable. Lift the handle up and across your body.

diagonal cable raise