Female Fitness: Protein Power

Protein shakes aren’t just for men; they can help female athletes achieve their weight-loss and fitness goals The key to getting the most out of your workouts isn’t just about what you do in the gym – you need to eat right too, especially after exercise when your body’s crying out for food. This smoothie contains enough carbohydrate to replenish your muscles’ glycogen supply, plenty of protein to repair and build lean muscle tissue and the right amount of essential fats to keep those post-workout munchies at bay.


Full of appetite-suppressing fiber and antioxidants that kill damaging free radicals. Studies show blueberries can also reduce the amount of fat you store around your middle.



Packed with calcium, which helps your muscles contract when you exercise. Its high protein and zinc content also slows down the digestion process, taking the edge off hunger and sugar spikes.



Replacing lost fluids after exercise helps remove toxins and waste from your muscles, therefore speeding up your recovery. It will also reduce your risk of muscle cramp.



Rich in electrolytes that help you stay hydrated, coconut milk is also made up of lauric acid, an essential fatty acid that boosts your metabolism and lowers insulin levels.



Don t be scared of whey protein powder. It’s quickly and easily absorbed by your system and speeds up the muscle-repair process, so you can build more lean muscle tissue and a strong, healthy body.

protein powder