training plan

My Current Training Plans

My goal through this transformation is to use training plans freely available on the Internet.  My reasoning for this is primarily so others can follow along with exactly what I’m doing, and I won’t be restricted in what I can and cannot post.With that said, for the first four weeks (starting this past Monday, 1/7/08) my primary workout template will be Christian Thibaudeau’s HSS-100 Back Specialization program.  I chose this specific plan for the following reasons:

  • I respect Thibaudeau and all the work he has contributed to T-Nation.
  • I’ve used the HSS-100 template to much success in the past.
  • My back has been my most neglected part for the past few months, so I’m focusing on it so as not to over-stress my other muscle groups.

One thing you’ll note when reading up on the HSS-100 Back Program is that there are two workouts — chest and arms & legs — that do not have a specified regimen.  On the chest and arms day, I’ll be performing Gironda-style 8×8 —  eight sets of eight reps with minimal rest — for two sets of chest exercises, two sets of bicep exercises, and one set of tricep exercises.  Leg days will follow roughly what Thibaudeau recommends — about 3-4 sets of 6-8 reps.  I will be using heavier leg volume later in this transformation process.

My ultimate goal with each workout is to get through each set as fast as possible. My HSS-100 workouts thus far have lasted, maximum, about 30 minutes.  I am experimenting with very little rest between exercises, and will have reports back on its success or detriment to me later.

I am also trying to fit in as much extra exercise as possible — walking in the mornings, walking after weight training, high-intensity cardio on off-days, etc — and will try to document it as I go.

My  “Workouts” page will always reflect my current routine, as well as outline previous workout routines.  I am going to try to document weights used, as well as my “miscellaneous” (non-weight) training.