Female Fitness: 5 Essentials For Training
Contrary to popular belief, you only really need 5 pieces of exercise tools and equipment to achieve a Fitness Model look. You also don’t need…
Proteins – Fast Oxidizers
All proteins are not created equal. The ones that are best for you are highpurine proteins, which are commonly found in fattier meats. This is…
Serratus Magnus – The Forgotten Muscle
There aren’t too many articles written on the development of this tiny muscle group. It’s a shame. because serratus magnus are among the most beautiful…
Surgery And Steroids
The steroid wisdom of the ages has usually been to discontinue taking steroids before surgery. This is due to their potential effects on blood clotting,…
Female Fitness: Protein Power
Protein shakes aren’t just for men; they can help female athletes achieve their weight-loss and fitness goals The key to getting the most out of…
Do Your Squats Correctly
Most people don’t squat correctly. They bend at the spine, rely too much on their thigh muscles, minimize the use of their butt muscles, lift…