Nutritional Variety for Bodybuilders

Like everyone, a bodybuilder should eat a wide variety of foods, and include foods from the four main food groups everyday. Obviously, the quantities which are recommended to the general population are not in line with bodybuilding nutrition requirements, but do give a guide as to what is a healthy diet.

Starchy foods – cereals, potatoes, bread, rice pasta.
starchy foods
Fruits and vegetables –  all fresh, frozen and canned, fruit juice. Have at least five servings a day. These products provides vitamins, minerals and fiber.
fruits and vegetables
Meat, fish and alternatives – red meat, poultry, fish, beans, lentils, nuts, eggs, cheese. These products provides protein and some minerals.
Mild and milk products –  milk, yoghurt, cheese. Have either a half to one pint of low fat milk per day, or include yoghurt or low fat cheese. These products  provides protein and calcium.
milk products
There is a fifth group containing everything else – all fatty and sugary foods. There is no set requirement for these as part of a healthy diet. If these foods are enjoyed, they can be included in a balanced diet occasionally, and will improve variety. It is important to enjoy your healthy food and okay to include personal favourites in your diet sometimes. If you are watching your weight you should consider the portion sizes of your meals, and try not to eat in between meals.