muscle building supplements

Muscle Building Supplements; Should You Use Them?

In the muscle building community, the use of supplements is an open secret.

They act as catalysts in the gain and increase of muscle. What some of these bodybuilders do not know is that, not all supplements are good for your health.

Most athletes have been caught as having taken human growth hormones (HGH) and anabolic steroids. Moreover, there is a new era of drugs that has risen which lie in the grey area as no testing has been done on them.

But, for those that care about their own well being especially when it comes to your health, then there are natural ways that have been found in which one can supplement workouts and diets without the need for drug administration by a doctor or a pharmacy prescription. Vince Gironda, who is known to be a bodybuilding champion and a trainer of champions as well, eschewed HGH as well as steroids. He discouraged those he trained from using them. Although there might have been some who succumbed to the temptations of easy and fast muscle building, Vince always maintained that there were natural ways to boost a person’s testosterone and metabolism.

For muscle growth acceleration, intake of natural protein is vital so that the muscles that have been damaged by extreme workout can be repaired. The food we eat is the best source of natural protein. The protein-in-a-can is as natural as it gets as it have very little or even no additives.

A hormone by the name Creatine Monohydrate is created in the body naturally and aids in the protein assimilation and muscle tissue rebuilding thus giving explosive workout power. Creatine has got no known side effects and it is taken by bodybuilders.

L-Glutamine is another supplement that occurs naturally and it aids in the recovery of muscles from over-exertion. Its intake eases the hard workout soreness and will allow you to get right back to the gym soon.
muscle growth supplements
The protein building blocks, amino acids, are the ones responsible for the growth of the tissues of the muscles. Some of the amino acids that can be taken safely as supplements include Valne, Leucine, Inositol, Choline and Isoleucine.

There are some medical circles that however, encourage the use of HGH so that the deterioration of the body that comes with aging is starved. The human body starts producing amounts of HGH that are diminishing once a person hits 30 hence the start of aging physically.

Nitric Oxide has also been discovered as being a product that is healthy for the heart. Extensive research has been done on the benefits of Nitric Oxide by the Nobel Laureate Louise Ignarro. He maintains that, your cardiovascular system will be improved with the NO supplementation intake as it provides for better circulation of blood and energy increase.

To summarize it all, your metabolism is boosted by natural supplementation which also helps in the loss of fat. Excessive supplementation may have counter productive effects. Anabolic steroids may prove to be hazardous to a bodybuilder’s health and it is advisable to consult a doctor before embarking on a supplement program.