
The Benefit of Massage

The benefits of massage are reflected in your:

Circulatory System by:

  • helping to develop a stronger heart
  • improving oxygen supply to cells
  • improving the supply of nutrients to cells
  • elimination of metabolic wastes
  • decreasing blood pressure
  • increasing circulation of lymph nodes

Digestive System by:

  • relaxing the abdominal and intestinal muscles
  • relieving tension
  • stimulating activity of liver and kidneys
  • elimination of waste material

Muscular System by:

  • relaxing or stimulating muscles
  • strengthening muscles and connective tissue
  • helping to keep muscles flexible and pliable
  • relieving soreness, tension, and stiffness

Nervous System by:

  • stimulating motor nerve points
  • relieving restlessness and insomnia
  • promoting a sense of well-being
  • relieving pain

Respiratory System by:

  • developing respiratory muscles
  • draining sluggish lymph nodes

Lymphatic System by:

  • cleansing the body of metabolic wastes
  • draining sluggish lymph nodes

Integumentary System (the skin) by:

  • stimulating blood to better nourish skin
  • improving tone and elasticity of skin
  • helping to normalize glandular functions

Skeletal System by:

  • improving body alignment
  • relieving stiff joints
  • relieving tired aching feet

benefit of massage
There are many kinds of massages. Each masseuse gives a different massage. You may like one and not the other. I get at least one massage a week. They are highly therapeutic, and I recommend you get as many as you can as often as you can. Use different people to experience the full range of treatments.