how you can lose man-boobs

How You Can Lose Man-Boobs

Two of the most common causes of man-boobs are imbalance when it comes to your hormones and being overweight. But for you to get rid of your man-boobs, the first thing is to determine what brought this condition about in the first place. If you are not obese, then chances are that the cause for your man-boobs is that testosterone levels that are low. If this is the reason, then consult a doctor for taking supplements for hormones or changes in your diet. Heavy exercise has also been known to increase the levels of testosterone, and best of all it is a natural way.

Fat collection in our bodies does not happen in the same manner. In women, fat tends to get stored in the hips, buttocks and thighs whereas in men it is stored in the stomach, back and chest. Exercise and a good diet will enable either of the sexes lose the fat and have the muscles conditioned.

Now that we know where the fat is stored, losing man-boobs will require you to also lose weight in the mentioned parts (which is not a bad thing) so that you can have an evenly shaped body. With the below exercises, you can rest assured that your man-boobs will be no more after the program. However, unlike a bodybuilding program, losing your man boobs will require you work on your upper body thrice a week namely Monday, Wednesday and also Fridays and the lower body will be worked on Tuesdays. Each exercise will have three sets and ten reps.


  • Bench Pres wide-grip.
  • Wide-grip barbell inclined grip.
  • Barbell press, wide grip, decline.
  • Flat bench dumbbell press.


  • Barbell standing press.
  • Barbell upright row.
  • Dumbbell front raises.
  • Dumbbell lateral raises.


  • Pull-down using Lat machines.
  • Cable & pulley machine rowing while seated.
  • Bent over barbell rowing.
  • Chinning bar pull-ups.


  • Bicep curls using the easy-curl-bar.
  • Cable & pulley machine press down triceps.
  • Preacher bench curls using the easy-curl-bar.
  • Flat bench triceps presses.
  • Concentration curls using dumbbells while alternating arms.
  • Triceps bent over extensions.

The Nutrition Program

An active person’s intake of calories is determined by the person’s gender and age. For your daily calorie intake, consult your physician.

Calories should come from Fibers (35%), Protein (25%) and Carbohydrates (40%) and completely avoid refined carbs, sugar, sweeteners or grains. The carbs should be gotten from fruits, fresh vegetables. The protein should come from organ meat (kidney, liver etc), milk, pork, eggs, fish, poultry and beef. As for the fats olive oil, soluble oils, wheat germ oils, walnut oil etc should be used. And the fiber will come from veggies and fruits.

If you would wish to take supplements, then the following supplements are advised: Amino acids, protein powder, kelp tablets and desiccated liver.