how to lose abdominal fat

How to Lose Abdominal Fat

One simple term that you can use to describe the fat deposits that start to appear at the middle age is “Middle Age Spread”. It was firstly associated with the lifestyle that is associated with those youths who have just joined a satisfying career or have started a family. However, today it is perceived to be a health problem mainly due to the large amount of fat deposits in our middle aged bodies.

These extra calories in our bodies are the connection between abdominal fat and various diseases like heart disease, type 2 Diabetes, hypertension, cancer and many other kind of infections.

There are two substantial types of abdominal fat that you should know. Subcutaneous abdominal fat is a type that you can easily grab with your hand as it is just under the skin. Whereas, visceral is that abdominal fat that covers or surrounds the abdominal organs and the intestines. It is very easy to loss both types of abdominal fats. You need to diet and exercise regularly. Indeed, you need to alter what you eat and the amount that you consume.

Through exercise, you will speed up metabolism and also develop muscle tissues whilst you burn down abdominal fats.

Lose Abdominal Fat by Dieting

If you are ready to diet effectively, you need to try the effective Paleolithic metabolism process. This is a great calories reduction process that involves storage of more fats to be used during starvation while dieting.

In essence, through this process, you will be able to reduce your fat consumption to about 1,800 calories to 2000 calories, though it is below the recommended maintenance levels.

You also need to keep a diet log that will help you know what you really need to take. You need to make a diet log on weekly basis or before you start dieting. You will undeniably lose fats effectively.

It is advisable to avoid oils and carbohydrates. Additionally, you also need to avoid refined foods, starches and grains as they are rich in carbohydrates that can interfere with your dieting program.

Prepared foods are also harmful as they are rich in chemical preservatives that can also affect your dieting plan.

In your dieting plan, you need to have fresh fruits and vegetables, poultry, fish and unprocessed meats. You also need to control your alcohol intake as it may interfere with your dieting.

Fundamentally, as you begin your dieting plan, you need to restrict your carbohydrates intake to about fifty grams a day until you start noticing positive changes.

Once, you notice that you have lost weight to your desired level; you can now slowly increase your carbohydrates intake until you loss the abdominal calories.

You also need to increase your protein intake by 25 percent of your calories consumption. Eggs, organ meats, pork and chicken, unprocessed beef, fish and legumes are thus important for you.

However, you need to avoid soy as it is not a good source of protein. But, you require it, if you want to get all essential amino acids that help in tissue building and during fat metabolism.

Lose Abdominal Fat by Exercising

You need to go for resistance and strength training if you want to build your muscles and also burn down fats.

To lose abdominal fat, you need to join a local health and fitness center or club. Alternatively, you can also join the YWCA and find a fitness trainer who will help you set up a weight loss training program that will work effectively for you.