how to get rock hard abs

How to Get Rock Hard Abs

The ‘300’ is a great movie that you will be thrilled to watch as it about the story of the Spartans who bravely fought the mighty Persian army. King Leonidas was their leader, and he led them into Greece.

It is a great epic movie that you will definitely be glued to. The main cast is Gerald Butler who plays the role of Leonidas. One amazing thing about the movie is that, the actors have well-built and incredible rock hard abs that leave you gaping in admiration.

You need not wonder about the secret to such incredible hard abs. The secret to such amazing abdominal muscles is simple. Get an animator who will work on the image of the actors as you film the movie. In essence, the Butler you see on the movie is not the same Gerald Butler you will see on the streets.

The main secret on how to get rock hard abs depends on two things: workout and diet. You need to dedicate yourself and be ready to work hard in order to get such hard abs. In addition, you need to be on a special dieting program that will help you reduce extra calories in your body.

To get these flexed abdominal muscles, you also need to turn to professionals on this field and learn the secrets that they hold. On your muscle building program, you need to focus on your abdominals. Your lower back and obliques are the other imperative parts to concentrate on.

The main Workout

  • Sit-Ups – Sit-ups are very fundamental in every workout. Each trainer has his own way of tackling the task, and there are those who advocated for full sit-ups and others who prefer partial sit-ups or crunches. Some of the wide varieties of sit-ups that you will come across are flat bench, incline, decline and compound. Crunches are also essential for bodybuilders.
  • Decline Board Sit-Ups –Three sets of 50 repetitions and compound sit-ups will work effectively.
  • Crunches – You need to workout on three sets of 50 reps on the decline board and add compound crunches.
  • Leg-Raises – They are the best for lower abdominals.
  • Decline Board Leg Raises – You need to work on 50 reps making sure that your legs are straight and move your knees to you chest three times.
  • Chinning Bar Leg Raises – Here, you need to go for three sets of 20 reps whilst you hang on the chinning bar.
  • Side-Bends with Dumbbells – This is the best workout for front and rear obliques and lower back. Try three sets of 100 reps and three other sets as you hold the dumbbell behind your leg for rear obliques.
  • Roman Chair Reverse Sit-Ups – You need to try 25 reps for your lower back and rear obliques, and also try compound sit-up.

The Bodybuilder’s Pre-Contest Diet

The late Vince Gironda was the man behind the bodybuilder’s pre-contest diet. He lived by a principal that, bodybuilding was all about diet.

You need not to take the diet for granted, and so
you have to dedicate your time in order to get rid of fatty deposits in your body.

Days 1 through 4 – Avoid carbohydrates, but take large amounts of protein rich foods such as eggs, fish, poultry and meat.

Day 5 – Consume a balanced diet made up of 25% calories from protein, 40% from carbs and the rest from fats and fibers.

Supplements: They should be rich in raw milk, desiccated liver, kelp tablets, wheat, germ oil, lipotropic and amino acids.