high fat diet

A Great High Fat, High Protein, Low Carb Resource

Some of you may notice that in the majority of my latest articles, I don’t refer to the way I eat as the “Anabolic Diet.”  Really the only references you’ll find to the “Anabolic Diet” in my latest articles is, well, in the title of this blog.

The Anabolic Diet got me started in the high fat, high protein, low carb lifestyle, but I feel it has some major flaws.  The biggest flaw: I’m not a big fan of re-feed days, let alone entire re-feed weekends.  The re-feed days help the Anabolic Diet sell (”you can eat WHATEVER you want!”) but, in practice, will just make most people fat.  There is also very little other than strict diet information — nothing on training guidelines, best practices for muscle gain or fat loss while eating this way, etc.  (Again, this is just based off of what the real Anabolic Diet is, based on the book by the same name.  Most of what I write about on this site is based on my own experiences, which is why some of my guidelines and recommendations go against what the actual Anabolic Diet recommends.)

It’s for these reasons that I want to pass on a web site — and an entire related community of sites above.  In other words, this site is a perfect companion site to what I write about here.

You can check it out here: Mark’s Daily Apple.

These guys have the high fat, high protein, low carb lifestyle down perfectly.  Their recipe archives are unbelievable, too.  Check it out.