flat tummy

Get yourself a Flat Tummy

There are two critical elements when it comes to getting a flat tummy. The first is proper exercise that will get you a flat midsection. The second is diet and staying motivated with a good positive attitude.


To flatten your tummy, you must engage in a number of exercises made for the muscles to ensure that they are strengthened as they are built.

  • Board Decline Crunches: Elevate your feet and hand behind the back then towards your knees, curl your upper body while having the muscles at your stomach contracting. The shoulders should elevate and the only parts touching bench should be your posterior and back. Hold the position for about two-counts then return to normal position and start over. Have 50 reps for the three sets.
  • Compound crunches: In a supine position, and hand behind the neck raising your knees, have your body curl forward with the elbows moving toward the opposite direction i.e. right elbow to left knee and vice versa. Also, ensure that you crunch your abs in the process doing 50 reps for the three sets.
  • Incline board: Perform the same kind as done with the decline board having your head elevate. Although it might seem the same, it works the body differently.
  • Sit-ups using Roman Chair: Perform sit ups slowly, making sure that your legs are the only ones with support; do 10 reps for about three sets.
  • Back raise: Use a position reverse to that of the sit-ups, then with your head lowered towards the floor, raise the upper part of your body while at the same time contracting your muscles. Do three sets, 10reps.
  • Leg Raises: Lying on the mat supine, have your arms at your sides with your legs kept straight then slowly raise your legs two feet from the floor and hold for 5 counts and lower. Do three sets 20 reps.
  • Raises compound legs: Assume the supine position then separate your feet; about 3 feet apart. Hold for five counts, bring them together, lower and do 20 reps while performing three sets.

The Diet

While exercise is know for building muscle, the diet is what will help yield results. Any subcutaneous fat should be gotten rid of for good results. The diet should be inclusive of 40% carbohydrates, 25% of consumed calories, proteins, fiber and fats. And remember:

  • Avoid refined flour, carbohydrates, sugar etc.
  • Avoid caffeine and Alcohol.
  • Ingest supplements i.e. mixture of raw milk with protein, liver tablets that are desiccated, kelp tablets, lipotropic amino acids and wheat Germ oil.

If you strictly follow the above, then be ready to have a fabulous body!