weight trainer

Let’s Get This Started!

If you are reading this: thank you.  You are helping to kick me into amazing shape.

I am, as of today, your average slow-gaining weight trainer.  No, I don’t blame this on genetics or any other undeterminable factor.  I am your average slow-gaining weight trainer because I don’t work hard enough or apply my knowledge well enough.

This blog is set up specifically to document my progress in losing fat and gaining muscle in the fastest time possible — as life permits, of course. One of my fitness heroes, Vince Gironda, has stated that bodybuilding is 85% nutrition, and I agree completely.  I have been following the Anabolic Diet for months, and I feel it is going to be my “secret weapon” in attaining my goals.

To get specific with the point of this blog: I am sick and tired of not having the body I want, and I am going to do what it takes to get it.

And, with your help, I’m going to finally achieve the goals that I’ve been half-assing for years.