Flexibility Exercises: Lower Body

Stretch 1 – Glute Stretch
Sitting on floor with right leg bent, place right foot over left leg. Place left arm over right leg so elbow can be used to push right knee. Hold and repeat for other side.
glute stretch
Stretch 2 – Adductor Stretch
Stand with feet as wide apart as is comfortable. Shift weight to one side as knee bends. Reach towards extended foot and hold. Repeat for other side.
adductor stretch
Stretch 3 – Single Leg Hamstring
Place leg out straight and bend the other so your foot is flat into your thigh. Bend forward from the waist keeping your back flat. Hold and repeat with the other leg.
single leg hamstring
Stretch 4 – Standing Quadriceps
Standing on one leg grab the bottom of one leg (just above ankle). Pull heel into buttocks and push the hips out. Your thigh should be perpendicular to the ground. Hold and repeat with the other leg.
standing quadriceps
Stretch 5 – Standing Calf
Place feet in front of each other about 18 inches apart. Keep back leg straight and heel on the floor. Push against a wall to increase the stretch. Hold and repeat with other leg.
standing calf