Fat Burning Swaps

Swap tea for green tea

If you’re a six-cups-a-day man, swap a couple for the green variety. The catechins in it will activate your body’s fat-burning processes, according to the American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition.

green tea

Swap bottled salad dressing for homemade

Most pre-made salad dressing is packed with sugar and trans fats. To make your own, add a splash of balsamic vinegar to olive oil and mix, adding mustard or honey if you like.

balsamic vinegar

Swap sugar in coffee for cinnamon

Adding cinnamon to your morning coffee stabilizes your blood sugar, so you’re less likely to have dramatic sugar-crashes and binge on biscuits than if you have two sugars.


Swap fizzy drinks for water with lime

Even ‘diet’ drinks will trigger an insulin response thanks to their sweet taste. Water is the best thing you can drink and squeezing a lime into it will help keep your blood sugar low.

water with lime