fat burning furnace

Review of the Fat Burning Furnace

A definitive book has been written on dieting and weight training by Rob Poulos and it is known as the Fat Burning Furnace. Rob had advanced and also proven his theory that you do not necessarily have to spend unending hours in the gym to lose weight or build muscle. He is also living proof of the wonder his program could do. He was once also an iron pumping hero, spending countless hours a day at the gym but after some time, he realized that he just could not build muscle like the muscle men that graced magazine covers.

Finally he started gaining some weight but all for the wrong reasons; he was overeating and instead of building muscle, he built fat. Once he realized that he needed to lose the weight, he dedicated himself to losing the excess fat and in the process discovered better ways in which he could build muscle and work out other than hitting the gym.

The Fat Burning Furnaceis the complete program of Rob’s experiments and research. His contention is that, by eating all the right kind of foods and having proper exercise, you will manage to convert your body’s metabolism to a fat burner. The book point at the human genetic predisposition to various characteristics and some of which make it hard for some people to gain or loose weight and even gain muscle tissues.

Rob also strongly advocates for strength training through iron pumping for increase of size and muscle strength. It is the muscle size increase and eating the right kind of foods that enables a person’s body to become a fat burning furnace.

Rob says that if a persons lean muscle mass is increased even by as little as fifteen pounds (while you lose about seven pounds) you will manage to burn about 700 calories daily, and burn even more when you are active. He also points out that ladies should not worry about getting “bulky” from weight lifting because women lack the levels of testosterone necessary for building of bodybuilder muscles. Most people do not have the kind of genetic makeup you find in people like Arnold; and even with the use of enhancements most people would still not get that big.

Poulos does not advocate for cardiovascular extensive exercising. He claims that exercise of low intensity and long durations will get some fat burnt but at the same time, a message will be sent to your brain that more fat storage is needed so that you can handle the exercise next time.

He also says the long duration exercises are harmful to a person’s health because most people are pushing past their aerobics limits; thus limiting the lung and heart capacity as your body adjusts to the long duration exercise.

The Fat Burning Furnace clearly outlines the nutrition and exercises that will have you maximize your individual potential thus help you attain a strong, good looking, lean and fit body. Maybe it will not look like Arnold’s, but a body that will look great when at the tennis court or the bench plus you will also be in good health.

His routines are sweet and short and his is a great testimonial of how much his program can work.