Most of existing diets used in bodybuilding are quite wrong. This is because each article writer creates his own diet, trying to create something new that is working with certain body. However, most
innovations are ineffective and sometimes even harmful.
Basic principles of weight gain
To gain rapid muscle mass is recommended to eat 5-6 times per a day. So digestive system, in these conditions, is not overloaded and your body constantly receives small amounts of nutrients. If athlete eats the same amount of food for two-three times per day, then the absorb-able nutrients flow in excess. For this reason, body starts to store nutrients in the form of fat, that’s why removing them during a
high-calorie diet becomes impossible.
Food amounts practically should be equal, but it should be eaten about 70%-75% of your total daily ration in the first part of the day (until 4:00 PM). Also sweets or greasy food should be excluded in the second half of the day. In addition, food intake before bed should be easily digestible and rich in protein (salads, vegetables, poultry, eggs, sour-milk products, and fish). Also is important to mention that about 70%-80% of food intake should be high-calorie, in any other way overload of the digestive system may reduce the level of nutrient assimilation, which will certainly affect the results of the diet.
Athlete should try to control the consumption of foods rich of animal and other saturated fats (greasy meat, margarine, lard, sausages, butter, etc.), because for energy production and muscle growth the body in the first place uses carbohydrates. For this reason fat product consumption provides depositing nutrients in fat cells. Also what is not less important, athletes should limit or even avoid consumption of fast carbohydrates, as sweets and bakery. Because of its rapid absorption from the digestive tract, sugar levels in the blood may dramatically rise which may convert glucose into fat. It is only recommended to consume fast carbohydrates only after workout, when your every muscle utilizes quickly glucose.
Moreover every athlete should know that in bulking cycle most metabolic reactions are intensified, conducing to more fluid consumption. The optimal amount of water, which is necessary for
athlete’s body, is 3 liters per day.
In additionally, be sure to take a meal two hours before workout products containing slow carbohydrates (such as cereals, farinaceous food, vegetables and other), that speed up your metabolism.
Carbohydrates are essential to supply with energy your muscle tissue and brains during workout. Most voluminous meal should be taken half an hour after a workout, or 1-1.5 hours in case if athlete is using a protein-carbohydrate shake or gainer immediately after the workout. It is important to include in your meal any high protein food and slow dietary carbohydrates. It should be done because the workout offers a so-called “protein-carbohydrate window” (the body is able to assimilate large amounts of food and at the same time nutrients restore muscle tissue and consumed energy during this time).
The proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be the next:
- Carbohydrates – 50-60%;
- Proteins – 30-35%;
- Fats – 10-20% (do not exclude or limit the amount of fat below 10%, because it may lead to undesirable metabolic adjustment. It is advised to consume only vegetable fats, or oil fish or fatty fish).
Athletes should know that there is no perfect correlation, which would come for everyone. For this reason, main goal for amateurs is to find their own correlation, which will be effective personally.
Remember the golden rule! Muscle mass grows only when the amount of the receiving calories in the form of food exceeds the amount of consuming calories (energy) by the body.
To find out which amount of food for gaining muscle mass is required, is just necessary to follow a simple procedure: step by step the caloric intake should be increased, until the weight gain reaches be
600-800 g per week. In case when the increase is less – it means you consume more energy and you have to eat more, and vice versa.
Weight gain diet have to be used in combination with sports nutrition if you desire to get results quickly and anabolic steroids. Energy bars or protein shakes should be taken between meals, immediately after waking up and after daily workout. In addition to sports nutrition it is highly recommended to use vitamin and mineral complex. Anabolic steroids (like Testosterone, Nandrolone Decanoate and Dianabol) are ideal for weight gain and if are taken in a proper way, can provide a much more rapid weight gain as usually. (1-1.5 kg per week).