cardio training


The Anabolic Diet is great for leaning out, or even building muscle while staying lean.  But if your body is anything like mine, it needs a little help keeping the pudge off.

I highly recommend using some kind of cardio activity while on the Anabolic Diet.  The most effective cardio, for me, might surprise you.


That’s it.  Vigorous walking.

When I walk is more important, though.  I will either walk in the mornings on a near empty stomach — filled up by only about 5 to 10 grams of BCAAs — or after a heavy workout, while my heart rate is elevated and I’m already breathing very heavily.  The length of the morning walks are usually around thirty minutes or more, depending on my goals. Post-workout, I aim for about fifteen to twenty minutes.  I prefer walking on a treadmill, elevated anywhere from 8% to 12%, at about 3.5MPH.  I will walk outside if a treadmill is not available — I just have to make sure that I really go hard when I don’t have a treadmill to force me!

Other forms of cardio are very effective as well.  Many lifters prefer sprinting, and I too am a fan.  Some prefer jogging, but I limit how much jogging I do; I once lost lots of weight using mostly morning jogging, and a lot of that weight ended up being muscle.

I have found that, for me, the most effective cardio on the Anabolic Diet is vigorous walking either in the mornings or after workouts.  The combination of the high-fat diet with this lighter form of cardio seems to provide the best fat-burning, muscle-gaining environment for my body.