weight loss

Weight Loss is Not About Counting Calories

Weight loss needs to be all about healthy eating and should have nothing to do with counting calories. Restricting your calorie intake in an effort to lose weight is one of those myths based on a complete lack of understanding of the underlying problem.

This misunderstanding starts by judging people who are overweight or obese. The feeling is that these people simply eat too much. That they are greedy. While this may be the case in a very few individuals, it is not true in most people.

Let’s examine the problems with a calorie controlled diet.

While you are trying to juggle work, family demands, household chores, etc trying to remember which food contains what calories is likely to be low on your list of priorities.

Secondly, and more importantly, calories have nothing to do with healthy food. In a calorie controlled diet, you can end up eating very unhealthy foods, but remain within your target. This means your health will deteriorate over time. Not the best way to lose weight.

You are likely to be hungry all the time, on a calorie controlled diet. This, in itself, shows how unhealthy the diets really are. Your hunger may not just be because you are not eating enough food based on your activity, your body type, your metabolic rate and other important factors to consider, that rarely are considered.

Your hunger is much more likely to be because your body is not getting the quality nutrients from your food. If your body is nutrient deficient, you will be virtually hungry all the time. And unhealthy. This is the key to your excess weight. Few dieticians or weight loss programme creators understand this.

On the other hand, if you forget all about calories, even food portions, but instead use a program which has its foundation in quality health improvement, then you can see permanent improvements.

Permanent weight loss can only come about when you look at the whole of you and what your body needs to function properly and to be healthy. Healthy eating for weight loss gives you proper nutrition, without limit, whenever you need it. The more you eat, the more weight drops off. The very opposite of what you have been led to believe.