my bodybuilding goals

My Bodybuilding Goals, and the Point of this Site

I have reached a point in my bodybuilding life where I just need to be honest with myself.

And the honest truth is: I just want to look better naked.  (And clothed.)

Reading around on popular bodybuilding forums, you’ll find a number of people looking down on those that want to build up their upper bodies, or who don’t vigorously squat in every workout.

That is not what this site is about.

I am not looking to neglect any body parts,  but I am looking to build exactly what Vince Gironda espoused: a proportional, symmetrical, beautiful body. If I have to primarily work my upper body to get it, then so be it.  If I’m not squatting 600 pounds or benching 500, then so be it.

My interest is in looking better, without regard to strength increases or better athletic performance.  Of course, strength increases and better athletic performance are going to come as a result
of having a better body, but that is not the point to me.

I want to be happier with my body, and in order to be happier with my body, it has to look better first.  Right now, I am doing whatever it takes — naturally — to get the look I want.