The Flat-Pack Workout

Build your own bespoke workout and you’ll train harder and gain more muscle. We’ve provided all the components and instructions you’ll need. The rest is up to you.

There are three little words that all men love to say: I made this.

“When we build something ourselves and put real effort into it, we attach a bias to it,” says Dan Ariely, an expert in behavioral economics at Duke University in North Carolina. This means we tend to value it more than a straight-out-the-box product of a similar quality. It’s known as the IKEA effect and it’s the reason you’re happy to spend hours deciphering the instructions of a flat-pack wardrobe.

“The same thing can occur when you’re putting together a workout, so long as it’s one you can identify as your own,” says Ariely. Build it yourself and you’ll be more motivated to follow it and put more effort into each move. So we’ve assembled all the parts you’ll need for a gym-free, DIY workout – and no, there aren’t any bits missing. Simply set your goal and build your own plan from the exercises bellow:



With palms facing you, grip a chin-up bar and pull yourself up until your sternum touches the bar, then lower yourself smoothly. “This is the king of the upper-body exercises,” says Coles. “ It works the biceps and the biggest muscles in your back-hard.”


box press-ups

Assume the usual position for a press-up, but place your hands on two boxes 6in high. This allows you to go down further, increasing the range over which the muscles are worked. “The extra stretch on the pectorals and triceps will result in greater strength,” says Coles.


inverted rows

Lie on your back and reach up to a bar about 1m off the floor – you’ll find one at your local park. “Keep your core tight, your body straight and pull your chest to the bar, keeping your heels on the floor,” says Coles. This move works the major back muscles, needed for a V-shaped torso.



jumping squats

With your hands on your hips, squat down before jumping up, pulling your knees to your chest. “Spend as little time in contact with the ground as possible,” says Coles. “This move pounds the glutes, hamstrings and quadriceps to build explosive power in your legs.”


russian step-up

Find a ledge or step just taller than knee height. Place one foot on the high surface then step up with the other, raising your knee to chest height each time. After 1 set of 10 reps, swap legs. “Add dumbbells for extra load,” says Colcs. Taking the stairs will never be a chore again.


single-leg hip extensions

Lie face-up and lift your hips off the ground so your weight is on your upper back. Straighten one leg while resting on the other. Lower your hips to the floor and then raise them back up. Repeat the move on both sides to galvanise your glutes and hip flexors.


turkish get-up

Lie on your back and place your handsout to the sides. Push up onto one knee while leaving one hand resting on the floor. Bring your trailing foot underneath you and push up into a standing position. “This is a full core lift which works the shoulder stabilizer muscles too,” says Coles.


hanging garhammer leg raises

Hang from a chin-up bar with your knees bent at 90 degrees, then bring them right up to your chest. Hold that position and then lower. “This is a great way to target the lower abdominals, which are often overlooked,” says Coles.



Start in a plank position, resting on your toes and forearms. With your core tight and your hips still, rise up onto your hands-one at a time until your arms are nearly locked out. Then return to the plank position. This adds definition to your rectus abdominis – the most visible ab muscles.


mountain climbers

Place your hands on a 6in step-in a press-up position. Keeping your torso as low as possible, alternate leg positions by exploding each knee up to your chest in turn. “This is a great exercise to add to a fat-loss metabolic circuit,” says Coles.


hill sprints

Find a hill with a slope of 10-20 degrees. Sprint up as hard as you can and then walk down as your recovery. “Go for 20sec flat-out up the hill, followed by a 1-2min recovery. Do 8 sets for one of the best weight-loss workouts out there.”



From a press-up position, spring your feet toward your chest, then push up quickly and do a star jump. “Go for 4min: 20sec of flat-out work followed by 10sec of rest,” says Coles. Not easy, but a sure-fire calorie scorcher.