diet for bodybuilding

Diet for Bodybuilding

Vince Gironda, one of the greatest bodybuilding trainers to have ever lived once said that 80% of bodybuilding is diet. Having gained his fame during his era as a bodybuiler, “the iron Guru” as he was better known as; was the one who helped the famous Arnold Schwartzenegger (who was new at the time in the USA) on the road to becoming one of the greatest bodybuilders to date. His (Vince Gironda) list of acolytes included people who were famous back in the 50’s to the late 90’s.

Vince was completely convinced that for a person to attain success in muscle building, then the key was bodybuilding diet and he made it fundamental in convincing others in this principle all through his career; which lasted for several decades with champions on his list of trainees.

Therefore, the main focus of a bodybuilding diet should be natural carbohydrates which are in the form of fruits and fresh veggie’s, proteins, nuts and also oils and fats. A bodybuilder’s diet should also be inclusive of supplements which are important in aiding the growth of muscle tissues, and also in the reduction of fat which is subcutaneous to the body.

A renowned biologist named Bernard Beverly once stated that the human tissues in the body are 100% biological. That, for a bodybuilder, should mean that it is quite important for them to eat foodstuffs that are high in biological content. These foods should not be confused with those foods that contain high protein nether does it mean that a bodybuilder should not consume foods that do not contain any protein. Biological content refers to those foods that have got the same biological structure as that found in the human tissues.

Some people might find this next statement to be quite surprising, but the humble egg is one of the foods known to have the highest biological content. Other foods include organ meat, raw milk, fish, poultry, lamb and steak.

Vegetables, beans, legumes etc are also good protein sources. Therefore, it is important that you include the above mentioned foods in your diet.

Also, the soybeans, which have been for some time said to contain high proteins are actually 22% biological. Thus, you would be required to eat a lot of soy beans to reach the amino acid content found in the aforementioned high protein foods. The “iron Guru” recommended the following for those that are preparing for a bodybuilding contest; anabolic steroids should be avoided and instead the bodybuilder should eat three dozen eggs daily!

The main objective for this eggs eating is to provide your muscles with huge biological protein influx so that a new strength level is reached and any damage is repaired quickly. About six to about eight weeks, the amount of eggs consumed should be reduced to two or one daily since you will have achieved the goal.

There are also other bodybuilding diets that have a focus on fresh vegetables, dairy products, fish or red meat. Each approach has got a particular goal to achieve, and it is to load the human system with enough protein so that the muscle tissues that have been torn by any heavy work will be rebuilt and replaced. Such diet plans are, however, not long-term. Vince recommends the following bodybuilding supplements: Lipotropic Amino Acid, tablets from Kelp, whet ager oil and also desiccated liver. He also recommended a daily special cycle for bodybuilding diet for those that are preparing for a contest so that any subcutaneous fat that might have been left will be gotten rid of.

The cycle consisted of four ‘zero carbohydrate’ days and then on the fifth a normal diet. For another four days have no carbs then on the tenth day, have your normal diet foods. This cycle is to be kept in a space period of three to eight weeks until every vein and separating of muscle was visible to the naked eye.

To summarize, if you are looking for a good diet for bodybuilding, then highly focus on good carbohydrates, proteins, fats as well as fiber. The breakdown is to be as follows: 40% on natural carbs without any refines sugars or starch having a fiber and fat balance and also 24%protein.

Prior to the diets for competition, take eight weeks of following the ‘zero carbs cycle’. Also remember to take in the appropriate supplements