muscle gain diet

A Sample Diet Gaining Muscle and Bulking

The Anabolic Diet is great for building muscle with minimal fat gain, but if you’re like me, it takes a lot of work to avoid fat gain altogether.  Whenever I build muscle, I expect to either stay  around the same bodyfat levels or allow them to slightly elevate.  I generally aim to stay lean year round.

With that said, a lot of people ask me what exactly I eat day-to-day on the Anabolic Diet when my goal is to gain muscle and keep fat gains to a minimum.  The answer: a lot of foods in quantities that most people would try to avoid normally.

Basically, I try to center all my meals around beef and eggs, which are, in my opinion, two of the most anabolic foods available anywhere.  I will eat a dozen or more eggs every day, and sometimes up to two pounds of beef a day.  Of course, there are a number of other foods I eat, but these are the “core” of my diet and provide the majority of my nutrients.

The eggs are eaten raw in shakes — usually in the form of Vince Gironda’s Hormone Precursor Shake — as well as hard boiled and, when I have the time, very lightly scrambled.  I aim for a mixture of fertile eggs and free-range omega 3 eggs.  The beef is eaten cooked usually in a chili-like mixture.

All meals are evenly spread throughout the day, usually with breakfast being a little bit bigger than other meals, and post-workout meals being grouped a little closer together.

With that said, here’s a quick sample diet providing roughly 3500 calories; 214g fat, 350g protein, and under 30g carbs.

6 eggs, scrambled
4 slices bacon

½ lbs 90% lean beef
6g fish oil

½ lbs 90% lean beef
6g fish oil

½ lbs 95% lean beef
3 eggs
3g fish oil
1 tbsp hummus

2 scoops protein powder
2 tbsp heavy cream
3 eggs
1 tbsp fish oil

½ lbs 95% lean beef
3g fish oil
½ cup tomato sauce
1 tbsp hummus

Of course, with each meal, I will have some form of vegetables, but I do not count these toward my calorie totals.  I often even will have a salad with trace amount of bleu cheese dressing, which again I do not count toward my totals.

My favorite veggies are broccoli, shredded carrots, asparagus, and spinach.  I will also sprinkle a couple tablespoons of flax seeds into my beef mixtures, as well as a couple tablespoons of psyllium husks into my shakes.  I will provide recipes for all of these in a future post.

The above, however, provides the “bulk” — no pun intended — of an Anabolic Diet plan geared toward muscle gain.